Inspired to act by words on a page

How often do you read a book and feel so engaged that you literally don’t want to put it down and when finishing the last page, you feel compelled to act? To do something positive, to contribute towards something bigger that can make a real difference to you, to society, to the way we all live.

I’m not sure I’ve ever felt so inspired to try to put the world right… well not exactly the world! But to act to in a way so as to improve our world in areas about which I feel deeply passionate in conjunction with other like-minded people.


A Reiki student recently asked if I might like to borrow book 1 of ‘Conversations with God’ by Neale Donald Walsh, having enjoyed it herself. Grateful to learn but unsure it was ‘for me’ I accepted her offer. I didn’t know what to expect … but it certainly was not what I read. God in this book is not a he or she, not a person in an energy form but universal energy, unconnected to any religion. Neale, through automatic or flow writing, asks a series of questions and receives answers which he queries further, accepts or leaves for the time being, laughs at, supports or disagrees with.  We are reminded that we are spiritual beings coming back time and time again for short lives on this planet to remember who we are and become who we want to be … which for most of us is kind, caring (and cared about) people wanting a fair and happy life…. In fact it could be described as Godlike.

Book 1 has an individual focus explaining life’s experiences and opportunities, book 2 covers societal matters and the content of books 3 and 4 I’m yet to discover. I don’t want to spoil it for those interested in this good read by saying too much, but it’s fascinating.


What forced me to act and my focus in this article is the concept of oneness and global consciousness. By truly understanding the concept of ‘oneness’ we learn that by hurting others (people, animals, the planet) we suffer consequences; by helping others we benefit and through coming together as a mass of thought, feeling, intent and action (global consciousness), we can create both small and big changes in society and humanity, as well as in our personal lives. I talk briefly about these aspects in my Reiki training. However, upon finishing the second book I felt as though I truly wanted to live and breathe these concepts in a whole new way.


I firmly believe and have said for many years that if enough people feel sufficiently strongly about anything, positive change is possible.

Today I felt energised to make plans to address a large societal issue I felt strongly about. I took a small action and made plans for more significant actions to create greater unity. Within minutes, totally unprompted and unexpected enquiries arrived in my inbox or on my mobile, asking if I might like to write articles, share information in a Facebook group and communicate with new audiences… who, it just so happens, would be exactly the right type of people to get involved and offer future support. The universe seemed to be watching and giving me a wonderful helping hand and I felt connected.

We (as a human entity) are collectively choosing how we all live – is your life how you want it to be? Are you who you would love to be? Are you happy with society, health related and other establishments, education, the way that everyone else in our world is treated, the differences in power and finance etc.?


Positive change depends on enough of us speaking the truth within us and acting to support our feelings collectively. Not just sitting back and accepting what is. If we all make a small action with friends, colleagues and acquaintances, we can make a better world.

One acorn in an empty field can grow to a massive oak tree, when that tree harvests its fruit just think how big a forest could develop!

Best wishes,

sue copy

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