Inspired to act by words on a page

How often do you read a book and feel so engaged that you literally don’t want to put it down and when finishing the last page, you feel compelled to act? To do something positive, to contribute towards something bigger that can make a real difference to you, to society, to the way we all [...]

A Lesson in humanity

In a fundraising ‘medium and psychic reading’ evening for Friends Of Baxter Animal Care a few days ago, some very interesting information from my past lives showed me just how strongly our past lives influence our present lives. Just after 9pm after other people came and went with smiles and comments of amazement and new [...]

Recognise people for who they are

‘Thank people for who they are not for what they do’ ‘Thank people for who they are not for what they do’, I read in one of the sixty two emails awaiting me after the weekend. Many emails were deleted instantly – primarily junk mail – several were responded to instantly, a number were highlighted [...]